We have planned for Tithing Declaration appointments until December 15th. Please help us do as much as possible in these planned weeks so we are able to spend as much time as possible with our families during this wonderful Christmas season.
There are actually multiple ways for 5th Ward members to participate in tithing declaration in 2024:
- Make an appointment on our website at Vernal5th.com
- Make an appointment through the Ward Executive Secretary, Brother Jim Linschoten, at available times. Call 435-790-7344.
Scroll down to “Click here to make an appointment for Tithing Declaration” whenever you’re ready.
Meetings with the Bishop are usually done at the church, face-to-face, in the Bishop’s office.
An in-home visit from the Bishop [in some circumstances] could be scheduled.
A ZOOM meeting could be set up if a face-to-face appointment is not advisable for practical or safety reasons.
What will happen:
If you have an account with the Church at ChurchofJesusChrist.org, please do the following before you come to the church for your appointment, If possible.
Sign in to your Church account
Click on Donations
Click on Donation History
There, you may review your donations for the year. If there seems to be a problem or a question, you may review it with one of the ward clerks or a member of the Bishopric.
At the Church
If you are not able to complete this at home, a clerk or a member of the Bishopric can access your records on the computer and print it off for you before your appointment. Please allow about 10 minutes to do this before your designated appointment time.
Next, a clerk or a member of the Bishopric may pull up the Individual Ordinance Summary for each member of your family on the computer (and may print it off) for you to quickly review to make sure names are spelled correctly, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses are all correct for everybody. Corrections may usually be made on the spot so that everything is correct.
At the time of your appointment, you will meet with the Bishop to declare your tithing and offerings status: Full, Part, or Non
This is a ten to fifteen minute appointment solely for the purpose of declaring your status. If you don’t make the declaration, the Bishop is required to declare the status of every member that does not attend based on his best knowledge. This is your opportunity to declare your status to the Lord! It’s easy. It’s simple. It’s quick!
If you feel the need to have a longer visit with the Bishop, you may set up another appointment with the Executive Secretary, who may be on-site at Tithing Declaration, for another day and time. Please be considerate of everyone’s time and stay within the time allotted for this event. There are as many as 450+ members of the ward who should attend Tithing Declaration and it takes a lot of time for these brethren to be away from their homes to accomplish this part of the Lord’s work.
From the Handbook
Tithing Declaration
The bishop meets with each member during the last few months of each year to receive his or her tithing declaration. In rare circumstances when the bishop is absent, the stake president may authorize one of the bishop’s counselors to fulfill this responsibility.
All members are invited to meet with the bishop to:
- Declare to the bishop their status as tithe payers.
- Ensure their contribution records are accurate.
Whenever possible, all members of a family, including children, should attend together.
During tithing declaration, the bishop expresses appreciation to members for their faithfulness. He also teaches the principle of tithing, encourages members to give a generous fast offering, and discusses other relevant matters.
Instructions for tithing declaration are provided by Church headquarters or the assigned area office.